Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Gyms, Gym Rewards and What to Buy with Pokecions

Gyms are used mainly to battle and collect the in-game currency, though it could be a nice hang out to chat with opposing teams as well. Maybe teams will create truces and allow one another to take  the gyms at the daily reward cooldown. 
What if you don't want to share a gym? What are gym levels? Well depending on the level of the gym, you can have that many Pokemon in it at once. If your team owns a gym then you are able to level it up by fighting your own Pokemon. Now you can only have one Pokemon in a gym, but others on the same team can place one of their Pokemon if the gym isn't already full. I'm unsure of the level cap, but be kind and do a few fights to help level your gym. It will make it easier for those who may not have a whole lot of time. Owning and making sure your team owns a gym will be less stressful when it comes time to collect your daily reward, those I prefer sharing because right now it's easy to reclaim a gym. 
What rewards do you get? Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot of this but for each gym you have a Pokemon in you get 500 Stardust and 10 Pokecoins. Here is what I think you should use your coins for.
Many people will probably use their coins to buy Pokeballs, Incense, Lucky Eggs, and Lures. Well hold off on those, if you really want one it will only cost a dollar to get 100 coins which you can get those listed for 100 coins or less. I would also recommend holding off on buying the incubator, mostly because it's only 3 uses and Eggs are very plentiful. What you really need to save up for is Bag and Pokemon storage upgrades.
 I believe the first one or two should be the Pokemon Upgrade, then focus a bit more on bag upgrades. The reason why is because once the game is out longer, the more Pokemon you will find and want to keep. Also, trading will be introduced in the game eventually so saving those rare Pokemon may come in handy. You will most definitely need bag upgrades because everything you get from Pokestop except for eggs is an item and counts towards your 350 inventory space. Mine has already been close to getting full, and the more I don't battle and use my potions and revives the less space becomes available, which is less space for Pokeballs. 

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