Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Catch Pokemon and Save Poke Balls

Many of my friends wonder how I'm up to par with them, yet I have a large sum of Poke Balls, even though I live out in the middle of nowhere that has 1 Pokestop. It's simple actually, I do go to town often to walk around and hit up the Pokestops there, but that isn't how or why I have so many Poke Balls filling up my; what I thought to be plenty, inventory storage. I often find myself struggling to find the item I need to delete just so I can continue to spin. It's difficult actually because I have a few revives and potions maybe 20-30 in total, so it wouldn't be wise to get rid of any more of those. Meaning I'm left with getting rid of either the starting Poke Balls or Razz Berries, which I have 100 of. I doubt I need that many Berries but you never know what you will come across. 

So this is what to do if you want to stress over a full inventory or rest relaxed knowing that you are stocked up on Poke Balls from here on out. 
Look at the Pokemon's CP, if it is below 100 then most of the time you can just catch it with 1 normal Poke Ball without throwing any Razz Berries in for the rescue. If it is between 100-200 expect to through 2-3 normal Poke Balls without a Razz Berry, and if it is above 200 CP then you should feed the Pokemon a Razz Berry unless you are feeling risky. Note how I say how many Poke Balls it should take to catch the Pokemon, this is because; unless it is a rare Pokemon, I will run from the encounter and be on my merry way. 

When it comes to rarer Pokemon I will normally feed it a Razz Berry then throw as many Poke Balls as it takes to catch it, but that's only if I need the candies for an evolution I have yet to register in my Pokedex. The reason you should be catching every Pokemon you come across is because you've gotta catch'em all, duh; but no the reason is you need to save candies for evolutions for faster leveling.

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