Thursday, August 4, 2016

Don't Evolve Your Pokemon Until You See This

Before you evolve your Pokemon, mainly the ones you plan on using for future battling, check out Pokeadvisor. This website will access your account, and by allowing it you can see all of you Pokemon's IVs, rated by a percent. Instead of just choosing your highest CP Pokemon, you may want to check it's IVs first. Evolving a high CP Gastly for the intention to use a Gengar to battle, it turns out it had really low IV rating. Though it would turn into a high CP Gengar, it would have been extremally weak.

An opinionated percent to start evolving your Pokemon would be a 90%  Pokemon. IVs are judged by the stats your Pokemon has, so you can see exactly what it's missing. The cap for the three stats; Attack, Defence, and Stamina, are all 15 for all Pokemon. If you could deal with missing a few points off these stats, then go ahead and evolve. 

Checking your IVs in the Manager tab isn't the only thing this website is good for. When you are in the "manager" tab you can search for the Pokemon you want and even sort by CP, A-Z, Number, and recent. If you have recently caught a Pokemon and you want to see what it's IVs are, you can hit the refresh button next to the sort by every 5 minutes.

When you first log in you will be on the trainer tab. With this, you can see your trainer profile like in the game. It will tell you how many Pokemon you have caught from the Pokedex, a total amount of Pokemon caught and seen, your catch rate, and the total amount of Pokeballs thrown. There is also a gym and other box within the trainer tab. The gym box tells you how many prestige points you have earned, how many training battles, and regular battles you have won, and it even lets you know if your defender bonus is ready.

Last but not least the Pokedex tab. There isn't much of anything special with this tab, it lists all the Pokemon in the correct order, and it tells you how many candies it takes to evolve, It also tells you the typing of the Pokemon if you click on one. If there is a specific Pokemon you are looking for you can type its name in the search bar and be on your merry way.

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