Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Prepare For The Christmas Event

Image result for pokemon christmas
Image result for pokemon christmas
The event going on now is disbelieved to be the Christmas Event. Why, though? Well, the double Pokestop items event was first believed to be the Thanksgiving event, or that there wouldn't be another event until Thanksgiving. It made since, and honestly, it was an enjoyable event. But Niantic proved us all wrong, Not only was there an event shortly after Halloween, but there was also a Thanksgiving event, shortly after the daily bonus event. This shows Niantic could care less about how often they through events out. There was even one for when Mcdonald's sponsored Pokemon Go. They increased the spawn rate of Pokemon... how many remember that? ;)

Image result for pokemon go mcdonalds promotionWith Niantic holding an event for their sponsorship with Mcdonald's why not do it with other sponsors? Well, they are. That is was this event is right now, it's both the Starbucks and Sprint event. We have new Pokemon like what the leaked email showed, only they didn't come out on the 8th. Sprint caught up with the Pokemon Go team and sponsored them. Holding off on the release of the new Pokemon only makes sense at this point. To clear things up a bit, this is more than likely NOT the Christmas event, it is only a sponsored event.

How can we get ready for the Christmas event then? Put aside around 10 or so dollars, you will more than likely need to buy incubators and lucky eggs. If you are one who doesn't spend money on the game, it's truthfully well worth it. If you still aren't keen on buying items from the app, you may just be a bit behind in preparing and getting the most out of the event.

Image result for pokemon go incubatorWhy this event should be the biggest event; it's a larger holiday, and though not celebrated by everyone, new year's is. A combination of two events in the same duration would make since. Kind of like catching two Pokemon with one Pokeball.

There is a theory about eggs getting reduced distances, which is why you will need incubators. I wouldn't buy anything from the shop for this event though until it's a for sure thing. Another theory about generation 2 coming out soon is still of course around, which it should be, there just isn't a release date. Eggs give an astounding amount of stardust. If Niantic does the Thanksgiving event plus the Halloween event with a few extra bonuses, we certainly want to take advantage of it while we can. Hatching eggs aren't only good for experience and stardust, but candies as well. Doubling everything you get from eggs except the Pokemon will be a pretty epic event.

Don't use a lucky egg for hatching, though, you will want to stock up on Pokemon before hand. That being said you will also need a good amount of Pokeballs if you aren't around a lot of stops. With the new transfer feature, transferring Pokemon is now a breeze. If we get double candies for transferring Pokemon like in the Halloween event, holding onto Pokemon now wouldn't be a bad idea. Even if you plan on mass evolving.

Still need to complete that Ice badge? Not to worry, the Christmas event will more than likely increase ice type, water type, and Christmas themed Pokemon. Pokemon you evolve count toward the typing badges, so any Slowpoke, Seel, or Shelder's you evolve, they will count for the badge. Focus on catching those Pokemon if you still need the badge for mass transfer/ evolving during the event.

What you need for this event:

  • Lucky Egg's
  • Pokemon Stock
  • Seel, Slowpoke, and Shellder's
  • Incubators
  • An easy way to hatch eggs/ walk buddy
Event Bonus Theories: 

  • Legendary Pokemon release: Mewtwo, Moltras, Zapdos, and Articuno
  • Reduced distance to walk buddy and eggs
  • Double candy for catching, hatching, transferring, and evolving
  • Double experience
  • Double stardust
  • Increased Items from stops
  • Double catch rate from berries

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