Monday, December 19, 2016

Do Adult Pokemon Still Hatch?

With the recent event a few Pokemon had their baby forms introduced. The only way of getting one of these baby Pokemon is if you by chance hatch it from a 2, 5, or 10km egg. This left several questions. Can we still hatch these baby Pokemon's middle evolution?
Image result for POkemon go 2, 5, 10
Though without evidence it's hard to say for sure. If you hatch an egg you obtained before the event, these wont have any baby Pokemon and the chances of hatching an "adult" Pokemon are still fairly high. This is because it is believed that the baby Pokemon replaced their older forms inside the eggs.
Notice how the baby Pokemon candies don't correspond to the Pokemon names?
Image result for POkemon go candy
The easiest solution Niantic had when introducing these new cute Pokemon forms, is by just replacing the model in which hatched out of the egg. It wouldn't have been to hard to just create new codes and add a few more Pokemon to the egg lists, but it all comes down to evolved forms.
Image result for easy button
As many already know, you can't hatch an evolved Pokemon form. Why should Niantic start that with the baby Pokemon? This would have also created an imbalance of which Pokemon hatches. Say Pichu and Pikachu were both hatch-able from 2km eggs (I know Pikachu was 2km and Pichu is 5km). Out of all the creatures you can hatch from that egg group, you would have a higher chance of getting Pikachu candies than you would Magikarp.
Image result for POkemon go baby pokemon

Without hearing of others hatching the few evolved Pokemon forms, it is safe to say that they are no longer available to hatch from eggs. Niantic wants to keep the egg groups first form Pokemon only, which is good. It won't overwhelm players on what their chances are of getting the pesky little things they still need for their Pokedex. 

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