Friday, June 30, 2017

Pokemon GO: Pokemon That Lucked Out On Evolution Items

When Generation two was released, so was a new concept for items. Evolutionary items were added to the game, giving trainers a different experience when evolving Pokemon. Though, Niantic didn't just add items to any ol' Pokemon. The Pokemon that can use evolution items were ones that were already in the game and given a new form during the second generation.
Image result for Pokemon evolution stones
How many of you remember the Pokemon that used evolution items in (stones) in the first generation? Don't confuse evolutionary stones with evolution items ;). What Pokemon should have an evolutionary stone from first generation?
Image result for Pokemon evolution stones
Continued On Next Page

Fire Stone

Fire Stone
Vulpix Fire StoneNintails
GrowlitheFire StoneArcanine
EeveeFire StoneFlareon

Water Stone

Water Stone
PoliwhirlWater StonePoliwrath
ShellderWater StoneCloyster
StaryuWater Stone Starmie
EeveeWater StoneVaporeon

Thunder Stone

Thunder Stone
PikachuThunder StoneRaichu
EeveeThunder StoneJolteon

Leaf Stone

Leaf Stone
GloomLeaf StoneVileplume
WeepinbellLeaf Stone Victreebel
ExeggcuteLeaf Stone Exeggutor

Moon Stone

Moon Stone
NidorinaMoon StoneNidoqueen
NidorinoMoon StoneNidoking
ClefairyMoon Stone Clefable
JigglypuffMoon Stone Wigglytuff

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