In this update, the nearby tab has been updated. There now is a nearby along with a sighting. Still learning a bit about the new tracking system, it seems they whole things isn't working for everyone at the moment. Some only see the sighting section of the new and "improved" tracking system, while other see both features. I can't say much on the nearby feature because it doesn't work for me. Hopefully, though things work and Pokemon can now be easier to track.
Along with implementing a new tracker, there is now a "safer" way for player who drive. All though anyone can just tap the "I'm a Passenger" to allow the game to work after traveling so fast, it was more of a safety for Niantic more than the players. By approving you are a passenger so you can still play the game on the road, if by chance you are actually driving and playing, then it basically waves Niantic from any and all responsibility from those who choose to play the game while driving. All though Niantic still wasn't to blame for people playing and driving, it's now official that Niantic can't be blamed for stupidity of the players, though it will still happen.
The accuracy bug was also fixed in this update. For those who don't know what the bug was, basically experience wasn't given to those who threw a nice, great, or excellent. At first many thought the feature was taken out of the game because people were leveling too fast (not sure how that theory came about leveling is balanced coming from someone who plays a handful of MMO's).
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