Monday, November 28, 2016

How Ads Really Work for Bloggers

Many seem to think that bloggers are making it big for putting out useless or misleading information. Well, the truth of it all is that's not even close to what ad's really do for bloggers. Trust me, if I got paid as much as most think, I wouldn't even need to blog anymore. The articles bloggers (most bloggers) put out aren't misleading. We take the time to research and gather as much information over topics. Yes, most articles will probably be speculation but that can only go so far.

The rumor about Johto being released on the 7th is actually very likely. Once you blog, research, play multiple online games, everything will fall into place as to why most bloggers are certain this rumor is true. It is very possible, that it is merely a rumor I won't deny that either. But the facts are just there, not everyone may see these facts, but they are there.

So how much do we actually make per click? Nothing, we don't make nearly anything per click, even if we got paid for impressions. For every thousand impressions, depending on the company you will get paid, very, very little. Most bloggers (like myself) only get paid when someone actually clicks the ad.

The Pokemon- Go community is the only community, that I have seen, doesn't fully understand ads. I have 10+ blogs, each with ads. I'm making bank off it! No, no I'm not I've been blogging for about 3 years, and get on average 1000-2000 views between all my blogs per day, which isn't a lot, I'm not a famous or bigshot blogger. The threshold for my to actually get paid is 100 dollars, 3 years, I've not once gotten paid.
  • Pay per click is the most popular type of advertisement. Each advertiser pays differently and you are paid when visitors click on an ad.
  • Pay per impression pays according to the amount of times the ad is displayed on your website. This means that for every thousand times the ad is displayed, you get paid. Each advertiser pays differently but typically the amount will be small since all it takes is for someone to open your web page.
  • Pay per sale will generate the most money but it also does not happen as frequently as pay per click and pay per impression. This type of ad requires your visitor to not only click on the ad but purchase an item or sign up for a service.   

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