Friday, June 30, 2017

Pokemon GO: Pokemon That Lucked Out On Evolution Items

When Generation two was released, so was a new concept for items. Evolutionary items were added to the game, giving trainers a different experience when evolving Pokemon. Though, Niantic didn't just add items to any ol' Pokemon. The Pokemon that can use evolution items were ones that were already in the game and given a new form during the second generation.
Image result for Pokemon evolution stones
How many of you remember the Pokemon that used evolution items in (stones) in the first generation? Don't confuse evolutionary stones with evolution items ;). What Pokemon should have an evolutionary stone from first generation?
Image result for Pokemon evolution stones
Continued On Next Page

Fire Stone

Fire Stone
Vulpix Fire StoneNintails
GrowlitheFire StoneArcanine
EeveeFire StoneFlareon

Water Stone

Water Stone
PoliwhirlWater StonePoliwrath
ShellderWater StoneCloyster
StaryuWater Stone Starmie
EeveeWater StoneVaporeon

Thunder Stone

Thunder Stone
PikachuThunder StoneRaichu
EeveeThunder StoneJolteon

Leaf Stone

Leaf Stone
GloomLeaf StoneVileplume
WeepinbellLeaf Stone Victreebel
ExeggcuteLeaf Stone Exeggutor

Moon Stone

Moon Stone
NidorinaMoon StoneNidoqueen
NidorinoMoon StoneNidoking
ClefairyMoon Stone Clefable
JigglypuffMoon Stone Wigglytuff

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Pokemon GO: Bug Type Moves

Here is a list of the bug type moves that are in Pokemon GO.

Charge Moves

Atk: 90
Charge: 1
Atk: 45
Charge: 3
Single Beam
Atk: 75
Charge: 5
Bug Buzz
Atk: 90
Charge: 5
Silver Wind
Atk: 70
Charge: 3

Continued On Next Page

Quick Moves

Atk: 10
Charge: 0
Speed: 9
CD: 1.55
Bug Bite
Atk: 5
Charge: 0
Speed: 6
CD: .95
Struggle Bug
Atk: 6
Charge: 0
Speed: 8
CD: 1.50
Fury Cutter
Atk: 3
Charge: 0
Speed: 6
CD: .90

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Candies Not Received When Catching Ditto?

There seems to be a bug with Ditto. No, it's not the fact that Ditto isn't as common anymore. With Ditto's frustrating spawn patterns this bug could put a damper on you powering up the strongest Ditto you have. It is already hard enough to catch without there being a sure way of telling which Pokemon Ditto is disguised as. Why not make it even harder for trainers by candies not being received after catching?

Reddit user AngusLowrieLifts reported this bug. The trainer states he has in fact never powered either of his two Ditto's up. This means he should have 6 candies right? Well as he went to power up one of the shapeshifted Pokemon, he noticed he only had 3 candies.

This bug, fearfully, makes a lot of sense. The game could struggle with figuring out what candies should be receive, thus, not giving any. Pokemon Go recognizes the disguised Pokemon, but it also recognizes the Pokemon is Ditto once caught.

Pokemon Go Event Currencies?

Many games that hold events, typically have event currencies. Should Pokemon Go add some kind of event currency? It will make events a bit more meaning full and depending on what the items traded for are. It should definitely be helpful. Not to mention it would add a bit of gameplay and a little more story to the event Niantic decides to hold.

As an example of how something like this would work. We could look at the upcoming Christmas event. For each Ice type Pokemon captured, hatched, or evolved, we could be rewarded a single "snowflake". These "snowflakes" would then be traded in for in-game content, but not just any content. Very specific items such as "holiday" or winter-related items.

These items could range anywhere from an x amount of stardust for each medal, candies for ice related Pokemon, and even incenses. In most places that can play Pokemon Go, it really isn't safe to stay outside for any longer than an hour. With this idea, it could help players progress, without needing to worry too much about their temperatures.

For an easter event, we could find eggs hidden within the encounter screen. To collect them, you would just need to tap on them. These could be used again for stardust, but more egg related things. Possibly even 2, 5, 10km eggs. This idea would give players a little something more to look forward to and can even add more medals the game.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Pokemon Go Plus With An Annoying New Bug

Hello, everyone, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Enjoy what you get, and remember to stay grateful. A Reddit user by the username PatientlyWaitingfy ended up with a Pokemon Go Plus for Christmas. Those things sold out fast! One could only imagine his excitment.

There seems to be a bug going around with the Pokemon Go Plus at the moment. Have you witnessed it yet? After leaving the game up for so long with a locked screen, the game seems to be logging people out. This frustrating bug could leave trainers worried for their accounts use. It shows symptoms of an account being hacked or maybe even banned.

The game isn't logged out of if you leave your phone running. That kind of defeats the purpose of the useful watch, though, doesn't it? Pokemon Go plus is suppose to allow users to spin at stops and catch already obtained Pokemon without a phone.

After keeping your phone locked for around 10 minutes, this is when you can see the bug. So far it seems to only effect Andriod phones, which is most of the Pokemon Go community. Not to worry, though, if your phone doesn't have enough RAM then it will close apps to allow the phone to run smoothly.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Should Niantic Introduce Daily Rewards?

A feature not often talked about that could easily be including in the game could bring more meaning to logging on at least once. We already have "quests" in the game. First catch of the day increases experience and stardust gained. When hit spin at your first stop, you get an increased amount of items along with more experience. A daily reward feature could work in a few different manners. 
Image result for daily rewards Pokemon
The easiest way Niantic could include a daily reward system is if they added button in the menu. Maybe even the shop somewhere around the defends shield. Once clicked you can have a chance of obtaining a single random item type. Depending on the rarity of the item, you have a chance of getting so many of that type. For a complete rundown, here are some of the items with the max amount you could possibly get each day.

  • Pokeball -10
  • Greatball -5
  • Ultraball -3
  • Potion -10
  • Super Potion -7
  • Hyper Potion -5
  • Max Potion -3
  • Revive -10
  • Max Revive -5
  • Incense -2 
  • Lucky Egg -2
  • Lore Modul -2
  • One Use Incubator -1 
The rare items will, of course, be harder to get on top of having a low payout rate. This would take place because if to many rewards are given out, there won't be much of a need for anyone to buy anything. The more days you return and collect your reward in a row, the more payout you will see. This could last up for seven days before restarting. On your 7th day, you would be able to receive 3 of the items listed above.  

Image result for daily rewards
Another way this could work, it's a bit more complicated and even repetitive. Niantic could introduce a biweekly or monthly schedule for items to be handed out. Each day something different, and the more items or rare quality items will be rewarded. If you miss a day it won't really be a bit deal. In a biweekly setup here is another theorized setup.

  1. Pokeball x3
  2. Potion x3
  3. Revive x3
  4. Greatball x2
  5. Super Potion x2
  6. Ultraball x1
  7. Max Revive x1
  8. Max Potion x1
  9. Incense x1
  10. Pokeball x10
  11. Greatball x5
  12. Hyper Potion x5
  13. Ultraball x3
  14. (Changes) Lucky egg, Lore Module, One use Incubator x1
What do you think? Should something like this be entered into the game sometime in the future? With Pokestops being near impossible to get now unless you are literally walking past them. Or maybe the closest Pokestop you are near is 15 minutes away!... yes the closest stop near me is 15 minutes away. It is hard to get that daily spin without having to make an extra trip. 

Please keep in mind, this is all theorized information. If Niantic does introduce this, the numbers and even items will be different. The reasoning behind adding the Lucky eggs, Lore Modules, and one-time use incubator was so players felt like they could earn just about everything in the shop. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A Work Around For The Sound Bug

A Reddit user by the alias Xnnnnnx may have found a way around the sound bug. Now You should be able to listen to music, while you watch the Pokestops as you go passed them. Remembering that you can't spin at stops past 20 miles and hour. If you still want to play the game and listen to music however. Here is how to do it.

It's actually a lot easier to do than one would figure. Select your music and have it on the volume you normally listen to it. Open up Pokemon Go. By now the app should have reduced your music volume. Unsure how this will effect Andriod users, I don't own an Android so I can't test it, though, it should work similarly.

Slide up from the bottom of your screen. If you get the menu to choose from a few different option just slide your finger to the left and you should see you mucic options. You should still be in Pokemon Go while doing all of this. Now for the moment of truth. Just pause your music and it should return to the volume of your liking.

So far reports only show this workaround working for Apple products. Other reports say you can unplug your headphones and plug them back in or just restart the music app. Pausing your music from within the game and playing it again seems to be a sure way of making it work. Other ways are a 50/50 chance. If for some reason the app reduces your sound again, simply repeat the process.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Not All North American States Can Get Their Regional Pokemon?

As many know, regional Pokemon can only be obtained in certain regions. Farfetched can be obtained from the Asian culture. Probably because their love for animated celery sticks. Mr. Mime is exclusive to Europe. This is probably because the large amount of mimes they have roaming the streets. Kangaskhan can only be found in Australia because it closely resembles kangaroos and their odd housing for the young. Last but not least, Tauros can only be caught in Northern America. Or at least most of Northern America.
Image result for pokemon go regional
There have been reports on Reddit that certain states can't actually catch a Tauros. Even though it is our regional Pokemon. In fact, parts of other states located in North America don't get a chance at these exclusive Pokemon. Other regions are in the same boat as it seem like regional Pokemon only spawn within a hidden box inside the game.
Image result for hawaii map
If you plan on vacationing to North America in hopes to get a Tauros. Hawaii wouldn't be your best choice. Reddit users have confirmed that Tauros is in fact unobtainable in Hawaii. Not to mention now would be a bad time to visit the states anyhow. The weather here is all messed up. One day it can be below zero and the next it can be 60 degrees.

Are you in a part of your region that can't catch it's exclusive Pokemon? Let us know, it would be very helpful for those willing to travel for their Regionals!

Is There Anything To Do At Level 40?

Have you ever wondered what the game would be like once you hit level 40? You can't level up anymore and more than likely you have already caught every Pokemon released up to date. It probably means that you also have all you battle Pokemon powered up and maxed out. So what can level 40 trainers do exactly other than gym battles?
Image result for Pokemon go complete medals
Well, there really isn't a whole lot of game play right now. The objective of the game is to catch'em all with a side of gym battles here and there. Once a player already completes their Pokedex, there isn't much need to hatch Pokemon anymore unless they still need the stardust. The only reason someone really needs stardust is if they plan on battling so they can get maxed out Pokemon. Rural trainers don't have much incentive to fight gyms because of the lack in gyms.
Image result for Pokemon go complete medals
So what is there to do after completing the Pokedex and maxing out all of your battle Pokemon? Medals could be completed, but after reaching that many levels it wouldn't be hard to say you wont have many more to complete. With second generation coming either before the end of the year or some time early next year. Level 40 players will have 100 new Pokemon to catch, train, and probably new medals to complete. After all of that is done, there isn't anything to do in the game again.
Image result for Pokemon go second gen
When dueling comes out, it's hard to say for sure, but hopefully this will allow for higher levels to enjoy their hard work. Battling should allow for rankings. If you loss a battle you loss ranking and fight others around where you are, and if you win you gain ranks. This will allow for more competitive fights and balance out the level difference between players.